Delivery Procedures

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

We need to make sure that both our drivers, and you, our customers are kept safe at this time.  We will be performing deliveries while following the guidelines on social distancing and minimising handling. Our policy on masks is to wear them if within 2m of anyone. And we would ask anyone working that close to our drivers does the same. Our drivers will not be entering your premises unless there are very wide corridors, large airy spaces and they are 100% comfortable in the situation. They will not be touching or handling any of your equipment, handles, machines or paperwork.

You will be getting a text the day before we deliver to you. Please be sure to be there to take in the delivery. If you cannot, please let us know as soon as you can as we will be loading the vans the day before. We only want to load the van once, as we want to minimise the handling on everything.  Even last minute items like rolls of edging / cut sheets need to be in 2 days before delivery.

If we arrive and no one is there, and you’ve not alerted us, we will have to bring it back to our factory and deliver it again on the next delivery run at an additional charge or if only something small that the drivers can lift on their own it will be left outside for you

Ideally, our driver will reverse to your door, open the van and indicate what is yours. You can then take your order.  The driver will have our copy of your paperwork, and give you yours in an envelope that has come from the office. Outside the envelope will be written all the order numbers this delivery covers. The driver will take a photo of that envelope with the numbers with either you, or your premisis in the photo. That is our new Proof of Delivery, and removes the need to hand us any paperwork back. Should there by to-follows or notes written both you and the driver can make the notes on your own copies.

At the start of each delivery, and at the end of each delivery our drivers will be sanitising their hands, and sanitising the handling surface of his gloves. We advise anyone handling the goods to do the same. We will be changing our heavy duty gloves once per day. As we only handle our own goods, we think this is a good system.

If it means our driver and you need to work closely together to unload something heavy or awkward, then our driver will wear a mask, and we would ask if you would wear one as well. If you don’t have one, our driver will have some disposables ones. If you don’t want to wear a mask, please have someone else there to help you lift the large items out. 

Please note we are not trying to be awkward, but our driver will be visiting up to 20 places per day, and we need to be sure for everyones sake that they cannot catch Covid, and cannot spread covid.  Please make sure you keep 2m minimum distance, for your sake as well as our drivers.

Collection Procedures

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

To place an order:

Please email it in. We would prefer to handle as little paper as possible, and have as few visits as possible at this time.  Orders should be sent to No more fag packets and torn envelopes 🙂

For collections: 

Please make sure you have ordered everything via email before coming to collect, AND have received confirmation that it is ready before coming to collect. Please do not park at the loading doors before going in to the office.

ONE customer at a time can visit the hatch, and we have a one way in, one way out system in place.  Please sanitise on your way in before visiting the counter. We will be taking EVERYONES temperature. If you have a cough, sore throat or high temperature, we would prefer you did not visit.

First, visit the office through the main doors. Please sanitise on your way in and have your temperature logged.  You can confirm what orders you are collecting and sort the payment in the office.   The office will give you your copy of the invoice and pass the Agetek copy to the despatch team to get your order loaded.

There is no way through to the factory floor for customers. Please respect that.

You then exit the main door, and go round to the customer collection doors on the left side of the building.  If they are closed, there is a new door bell there that you can press.  Feel free to use our sanitiser before and after pressing the bell, in fact we are very keen that you do.  Reverse your van to the doors, not inside. The despatch team will confirm the order numbers, and get your order over to the door. You can then load your order.

If you need assistance with any large or heavy items which requires working close to any of our staff, BOTH our staff member and you, the customer, will need to wear a mask. If you don’t have one, one will be provided.  Again, Sanitise your hands before and after handling goods.